Wednesday, January 2, 2019

2019: A Year of Living Intentionally

At the end of each year, I make a list of the best and the worst things that happened that year and the lessons I learned. Based on that, I choose a theme for the next year.

One year, my theme was a Giving Challenge. I gave something away every day for a year and blogged about it at Another year, Tim and I created a Gratitude Jar and each week we wrote on a small piece of paper one thing we were grateful for and then read them on New Year’s Eve.

My theme for 2019 is “Living Intentionally”. Over the past month, the word “intention” keeps coming to me in different ways.

For instance, a friend recommended the book “Will of God” that described the intentional will of God versus the circumstantial will of God. Another time, I was questioned on the intent of my written words. Those instances, among other times, the word intention was like a neon light in front of me screaming for me to notice it. All of this gave me “cause to pause”.

I intend to ask myself the question, “As I go through each day what do I ‘intend’ today to be?” Instead of waiting for the day to define itself based on my interaction with people and their response to me, how can I positively shape it for myself and others?

So, during this year of living intentionally I will blog about what is on my heart. I would love to hear your comments and suggestions as to how you live intentionally each day.

Fix your thoughts on what is true and good and right. Think about things that are pure and lovely, and dwell on the fine, good things in others.                           Philippians 4:8

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